Approved Henil's Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Ronnie21093, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. Ronnie21093

    Ronnie21093 Verified Traveler

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    Minecraft username: Ronnie21093

    Full Name: Henil Inari
    Gender: Female

    Age: 23
    Date of birth: August 16th, 2382S
    Place of birth: Slums of the Mainland capital

    Religious Belief: Phaedron

    Job: Thief (Formerly) Merchant

    Signature Item: "Dagger of Caring"

    On the cold night of August 16th, 2382S, a daughter was born in the dark slums to a pair of thieves who they named Henil. Throughout most of her childhood, Henil was trained to be a thief that could move through the shadows quickly and silently just like her parents so that she could help those in the slum survive through the wealth her family brought.

    She finally got a true taste of theft at the age of 14, where she was tasked with stealing some apples from a passing merchant. After managing to steal the apples from the merchant, for the next four years her quick thinking and swift feet helped many desperate people in the slums survive, whether it be from the food she brought or the clothes. Though at the age of 18, she was nearly caught when she tried to steal clothes from a warehouse that she thought was lightly guarded. Att that point, she decided to change her life for the better. After a few years of saving up, she was able to buy a ticket to Elpida, where she intended to start her journey as a merchant.

    "Must you truly go?" Her father asked, clutching her hand tightly.

    "I am sorry, father, but I must. I can't continue this life forever." Helin replied, holding back her tears.

    "But what of the people of the slums? I am too old to provide them clothes or food."

    "Don't worry, father. I will send some of my money to you so you can get food and clothes for them. For now, you can use what remains of my money here to provide for them."

    "Alright. Be careful out there, Henil. You will always have a home here." Henil's father placed his hand on her shoulder, unable to hold back his tears anymore.

    "I will, father. You have my word." Henil nodded as she gave her father one big hug before leaving.

    A few hours later, Henil was outside the capital, staring back at it.

    "Farewell. And thanks for all the adventures." She said as she turns around and begins her trip to her transport to Elpida, ready to begin her journey.

    This is where her story begins...
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
    eragon43 likes this.
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! Very nice story! I see no problems with it other than it being maybe a bit short. Alir99 will be on sometime tomorrow to take a look at this.
  3. Ronnie21093

    Ronnie21093 Verified Traveler

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    I will admit, this is the first character biography, so I am not used to doing it.
  4. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Now that i look at it again, there is a problem with his birth date. If she's 23 years old then she would have been born in the year 2382S (the S stands for "Years Since the founding of Patraeia")
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    This date does not exist in the Elpidan calendar. We have B (Before the founding Patraeia) and S (Since the founding of Patraeia). Also try and add a bit more regarding your character's backstory and past and hopefully we'll approve it as soon as possible :D

    Best of luck!
  6. Ronnie21093

    Ronnie21093 Verified Traveler

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    I'm not sure what else I could possibly add, since I already added all I could think of...
  7. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Some ideas:
    How was she trained/raised?
    How was her first assignment?
    How did it go?
    what did she steal?
    What was so special about nearly being caught? cant have been the first time she had a near miss.
    Maybe it wasnt a near catch. she was actually caught and managed to wiggle her way out of the rusty cuffs just in time but people knew now who she was so she had to run?
  8. Ronnie21093

    Ronnie21093 Verified Traveler

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    I've done the best I could to improve it. I don't know how else I would improve it further...
  9. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you for your cooperation. Your bio is now approved.

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