Approved James Costa

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by James, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. James

    James Verified Traveler

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    Username: Agentdrive1
    Discord Username: The President Baby Yobama#6307
    Full Name
    : James Costa
    Nickname(s): James
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: 24/11/2386S
    Job: Constructer of Houses
    Interests and hobbies: Building Structures (E.G. Houses), Travelling, Fishing, Archery, Sword Fighting and Hunting animals to sell.
    Religious Belief: Marventa
    Signature Item (s):
    My trusty stone axe which I used to build my house on the Mainland.

    My Backstory

    As a young child I lived at a fishing village on the coast of the Mainland. My Father and I used to go fishing which I would sell at the local market with my mother. Also every week we would pray to Marventa to keep our family safe at our town’s Holy Temple. I had an older brother and two younger siblings. One day when I was 12 my father went out on a voyage to an island off the coast of the mainland to deliver goods and that evening a bad storm hit which destroyed his ship and he drowned. My home town was flooded from the storm and we had to move to another town on the outskirts ofPatraeia where my older Brother and I would go hunting. My youngest Sister and I would often go exploring in the local forest near the village because I had always enjoyed exploring unknown areas and mysterious caves. My older Brother taught me how hunt with a bow and how to protect myself with a sword and shield in case I was attacked by Barbarians when on my travels. It was hard to gain the town's trust at first but eventually they accepted us and were very welcoming. My brother and I worked for a Butcher and every day of the week and brought him as much food as we could to make sure we earnt a suitable amount of money to keep our family pleased and with full bellies.

    When I was 17 my Brother and I moved to the centre of Patraeia. My Brother and I had got a job offer to build houses for people moving into villages. We were sad to leave our Mother and our two younger sibling's but eventually after we said our goodbyes we set off to begin the next chapter of our live. When we it was amazing with tall buildings and many shops. We had to go out to the forests surrounding the city and gather wood and on weekends we would go out and collect wood so we could eventually build our own house we would improve anytime we got a chance to. Our dream was to move to Elipida and make a fortune so we could pay our mother for looking after us all these years and so they could join us there as well. We eventually managed to gather enough money to travel there but when I turned 19 my brother decided that I should be the only one to go so I could make a living for myself. I promised him that when I got enough money I would bring my whole family over so we could be happy once again. I said goodbye to my Brother and made my to the dock and got on the first boat I could. I had only heard stories about this place like the city was built of gold and only the wealthy lived there but I was ready to make a name for myself there/

    Reason I Moved To Elipida

    I moved to Elipida so I could eventually pay for my whole family to come and live with me and to be a successful house constructor and build a nice house for myself, my family and my friends. I am also intrigued to explore the world you have created and help people who will be joining the server. I am really excited to jump in and play with my friends and all the other people and I think this serer will be the best server I will ever have played. I can see that a lot of effort has been put into it and I have always dreamed of being able to play a massive Minecraft RP game and I can't wait to start exploring this world that the developers have created.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

    Likes Received:
    Hello! Awesome bio, i really like the family elements. I would like to see a bit more detail added to the background as it feels rushed. if you could add a few more sentences to each paragraph I think that would lengthen it out nicely.

  3. James

    James Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    ok will do
  4. James

    James Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    I have made the changes you asked for and I hope you will approve me so I can play the server for when it launches.
  5. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

    Likes Received:
    Awesome thanks so much! You are accepted!!
  6. James

    James Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    How do I get my bio approved
  7. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

    Likes Received:
    It is approved.

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