Approved Jonathan Trisenthus

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Johncarew13, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Johncarew13

    Johncarew13 Verified Traveler

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    Username: Johncarew13
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Johncarew13#1071
    Name: Jonathan Trisenthus
    Nickname(s): John
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Date of birth: 21/2/2385
    Place of birth: On the coast, Medium-sized house with an ocean view and a small beach a small walk from a nearby village.
    Job: Mercenary
    Interests and hobbies: Fishing, Mining, Swimming, The ocean.
    Religious Belief: Merventa
    Signature Item (s): My Trident named Wave Rider that belonged to my grandfather. When I was 13 my father and I were out fishing on our small boat and his line caught on a small reef beneath the boat. In my eagerness to impress my father with my swimming ability I dove down to detangle his line from whatever had been caught, as I was untangling my fathers hook from a coral I saw a glimmer below me and I Swore I would return to that spot, So I overturned some nearby corals and stacked them so I could remember where I was headed. That evening I headed back out and dove again and found the most beautiful decorated trident beneath this reef. Implanted into the ground spike first so It has obviously been left there with a purpose, so I retrieved it and hid it from my parents, It has been with me since.

    Backstory: Being born in a small village on the coast, I was destined for a quiet life. All I remember from my early life was fishing, swimming, learning from my father and mother and making frequent trips to the nearby temple of Merventa. I would assist my father with the fishing in the morning, then I would attend to whatever my mother desired of me before sitting down for lessons on numbers and letters in the evening. I do not know why my parents lived apart from the village but they were obviously not fishermen their entire lives. My Father would take our fish to market every Saturday and Tuesday and I would run alongside him on his horse as he transported his wares into the village to be sold. One Tuesday I snuck off with some friends of mine into the woods for a classic game of tag, unfortunately, I got lost and ran across a meadow I had never seen before, Inside were 2 people a Man and a young boy. The man was drilling this boy relentlessly with the trident in his hands, talking about things I couldn't understand to do with gripping and twisting for added damage when attacking your opponent, I watched for hours this Man beating an education in weaponry into this young boy who couldn't have been more than a year older than me. To this day I thought I had never been found but some part of me knew that man had known I was there. About 2 weeks a major turning point in my life occurred, I found my beloved wave rider when detangling my fathers fishing line from the reef beneath our small fishing boat. That evening as I Snuck this monster of a trident back into the house I overheard my parents discussing something. I ran up the stairs and hid the weapon behind my wardrobe and snuck back downstairs. My parents were quietly arguing about 'being safe here' and 'do you think they will find us here'. I heard my father stand and start for the door so I ran upstairs quietly and slid into bed and passed out.

    Three weeks later after fishing all morning, my father asked me to wait outside the house, He entered and a minute later exited with my beloved trident, the same trident I had spent the last three weeks looking at every night and admiring the subtle cursive of 'wave rider' all the way up its large hilt. It hit the deck with a bang and he asked for an explanation of how I managed to find my grandfather's trident, I told him of when I dived to detangle his line. He stared directly at me for a few minutes and then retreated into the house, reemerging a minute later with two spears. One was thrown to me after I had moved the epitome of a trident against a tree. My Father asked me a question that echoes through my mind to this day ' Do you wish to learn how to fight? Because It is in your blood and if you feel the call. I will teach you'.

    Every day after fishing it turned from attending to my mother to training. Sometimes I was running miles at a time, others pure weapons forms, sometimes balance training and even swimming fully clothed. For the following 5 years, I trained with my father. Over that time I was told that my father has been in a mercenary band for years under the patron god of Ignarus, the god of fire and war. I was taught how to fight, How to survive and most of all how to live. I found I came from a long line of gladiators and fighters and that fighting was in my blood. On my 16th birthday, Wave rider was gifted to me with my father claiming that it suited me, he then disappeared for 4 days, returning with a beautiful trident of his own and bedecked in the finest armor and gear I had ever seen. He had returned to his old weapons cache in a sea cave not far from here. The next two years he trained me in the art form of the trident, How to grip it, how to strike, how to use it against multiple enemies and beasts. I was trained hard and I beat relentlessly by my father just like I had seen that odd-looking man does to his student all those years ago. The greatest surprise of all was on my eighteenth birthday when my mother came down the stairs in pitch black leather armor bedecked in knives and these weirdly shaped stars. She tried to teach me the craft of a sneak and I managed to throw knives well enough, I just didn't have the aptitude for sneaking around and lock picking that she wanted me to have. It seemed I followed my father's footsteps well enough.

    It was nearing halfway through my eighteenth year, I pulled the boat in myself and headed up the cliffside road to our house. My father had not joined me for three years now and I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the ocean. As I trundled along the path through the forest I kept having a bad feeling, I drew my trident from my back and ran towards the house, I finally knew what was wrong. There was no noise, No birdsong, no breeze, no animals moving through the bush. A deathly quiet had descended as I made a beeline for the house, I arrived to carnage, bodies over the front porch and roof, I kicked the door open to more. They all had this weird symbol of a cloud with a knife through it at some point on their body. I made my way through the downstairs area, fewer bodies but they seemed to be headed towards the stairwell. I followed the trail of destruction to my parent's bedroom and entered to a sight that will always haunt my dreams, my parents, both with knives embedded in their bodies. I looked around the nearby bodies and my mother's knives filled them as well as clear stab wounds from my father. On a whim to stop myself breaking down I looked out the window, there stood a singular man. Hawklike nose, piercing blue eyes, and raven black hair. He was stick thin but he wore his weapons well. He gave me a grin and a salute and disappeared into the forest, burned into the ground was a single word 'Elpida'.

    The following year and a half involve me traveling across the country, looking for information on this weird cult of the cloud with a knife through it. On that day I Swore vengeance as I buried my parents outside our house. I make my way inland, bedecked in my parent's weapons as well as my own. On a path of revenge and vengeance all while paying homage to my protector and guidance, Merventa. My first issue is funding, So I take on some small jobs in passing villages to help me get by until I was recruited into a team to tackle some bigger issues. We take high pay and do the high-risk jobs that people need doing.

    I am now twenty, Split from my team but still a mercenary. Looking for vengeance in the name that was burned into my ground all those years ago. Looking for the man responsible for my parent's death as well as looking to make as much gold as possible while I do it. Wave rider is still with me but my other weapons have swapped over the years. I Am a fighter and a killer but a terrible sneak. In my parent's memory I will avenge them and find out just why they were targeted so much by this shadow cult. For Richard and Selene, May you rest in peace.
  2. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    Hey there! Awesome bio, really liked the story. I understand that the trident is pretty solidly intertwined with your character, but unfortunately, tridents are not currently in game. As well, no one starts off with their signature item, though it is possible to get. So you will have to find a way to explain the disappearance of your trident or just choose to not even acknowledge its existence while RP'ing. Its up to you really, just wanted to clarify. Other than a few grammatical errors which I can overlook this is a solid bio and I hope you enjoy your time in Elpida!

  3. Johncarew13

    Johncarew13 Verified Traveler

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    Cheers :)
    HeyitsTalon likes this.

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