Approved Sappho Galanis character bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Noctifer, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Noctifer

    Noctifer Verified Traveler

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    Username : solareaper

    Discord username : Noctifer#3592

    Full name : Sappho Galanis

    Nicknames : her mother called her “my jewel” (her name means lapis) but aside from that she doesn’t have any in particular

    Gender : Female

    Age : 19

    Birthday : the first of January, 2386S

    Place of birth : an aristocratic household on the mainland

    Job : She thoroughly enjoys making potions and gathering her own ingredients for them so she will most often be found selling potions or whatever goes into them. While living with her family on the mainland she did develop a taste for the finer things as much as she may not want to admit it (preferring to be seen as humble), so with potion making not bringing in enough money to sustain the size of her house she also sells her self made jewellery that she either made for that specific purpose or she no longer wants for herself.

    Interests and hobbies : she has had an interest in just about anything you can imagine at one point or another, but has recently been drawn to potion making. Being raised in an aristocrat household has led to a strong social skill, which combined with her need to always keep busy means she also enjoys spending time in the community helping out wherever she can, enjoying the simple adventure that comes with errands.

    Religious belief : she was raised with a strong appreciation for Aestheria, though due to her time travelling she developed an equal appreciation for Marventa

    Signature item : a small decorative blade given to her as a gift from a friend made while travelling. It doesn’t accomplish much in terms of combat, but she keeps it as a reminder of her adventures.

    Story paragraphs : Sappho was raised in an aristocratic household on the mainland until the age of 16. In this time she lived lavishly and was excellent in social settings, being front and centre of every one of her parents parties or even smaller family only gatherings. As a child she was close to her mother as the only child and was the heir to their families fortune. She was named Sappho by her mother’s suggestion, as it meant sapphire or lapis, and her mother was well known for her skill in creating elaborate pieces of jewellery, which she would later learn herself. She grew up extremely spoiled, and with all of the positive reinforcement to all of her actions no matter what they were she developed a strong sense of self confidence which would often get her into trouble from all but her mother. However, even though she enjoyed the life she had, her daily activities were becoming exhaustingly repetitive. She deeply wanted to spend some time adventuring and seeing the world, so with a surge of self confidence and a sizeable donation from her mother, she set off to travel. She had enough money on hand to travel as extravagantly as she lived in her daily life, but she had too much confidence in her own abilities to use much of it in the beginning of her journey. This overconfidence led to her being attacked by bandits on a walk to her nearest destination and a large portion of her money was stolen before the thieves were scared off by a passing locally celebrated hunter. Hoping to avoid being attacked again, having her ego knocked down a few pegs, she managed to persuade the hunter into teaching her enough basic combat tips to get her by. Although, preferring to remain non-confrontational as possible, she also asked the hunter for advice on safe travels. The hunter was a worshipper of Marventa, and thus knew a lot about the subject. The hunter told her of a group nearby who were also travelling for the sake of adventure and directed her in their path. Upon finding this group, Sappho requested to join them. The group had no problem with this, especially since a few donations for food and additional supplies were always particularly good bribery for travellers. Although initially reluctant to bring her along even despite her wealth as contribution, Sappho later proved to be an asset to them in more ways than one. A skilled alchemist was also travelling with their group, and wanting to learn as much as possible on her trip Sappho asked if the alchemist would kindly tutor her in the craft. As it turned out, she was an extremely fast learner. Within a few months she had become a necessity within the group, being the leading source of all of their healing supplies with how fast she could make them. To have some time to herself, she would often take to “gathering ingredients” which would mostly be spent humming to herself as she wandered in the woods by the camp and gathered a single item to use every few paces. She has never before realised how much she enjoyed feeling useful and looked to as valuable for more than her money. She spent the next two and half years with this group, until the adventuring life began to wear her and her small fortune down. She knew of a dock nearby with a ship departing for Insulera from the mainlands coast and decided to finally settle down in one place for a long while. Knowing that even despite all the money she had spent or lost she would certainly still have enough to make the journey, she figured one more leap of faith toward Elpida would be a great conclusion to her journey.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Hi! This is a nice start to your bio, however there are some things that need to changed. Your bio is a bit too short, but this shouldn't prove to hard to remedy. Your bio needs to tell the tale of your life and how you arrived in Elpida. I dont see this part in your bio. There are also some other things you can add to make the story a bit longer. For example, you write that you character enjoys making potions, gathering ingredients and making juwellery but you give no explenation in your bio on how she learned thes crafts and why she likes them. Also the first day of 2386S would be the first of january.
    Noctifer likes this.
  3. Noctifer

    Noctifer Verified Traveler

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    I’ve tried to fix up those notes! I hope I did it right, but I’ll definitely add as much more as I need to to get it perfect if need be!
  4. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    The changes you made are very good. It is now definetly long enough, however there 1 more problem. Elpida is a city located on the recently settled island Insulera. Everyones character grows up on the mainland. Your backstory should be about how your character grows up and reaches the city. Elpida is only reachable by ship and is not nearby. Also you shouldn't write anything past taking the ship to Elpida as you spawn in on a ship at the docks. So from a roleplay perspective your story continues from there. I you can change this then you'll definetly be accepted.
    Noctifer likes this.
  5. Noctifer

    Noctifer Verified Traveler

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    I’ve made those changes now but if I’ve done it wrong again then I think I’m understanding your feedback wrong. When you say growing up and reaching Elpida do you mean I need to add more detail to what I’ve written about her childhood so far and then talk about the journey on the boat specifically after travelling to the dock on the mainland?
  6. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    What I meant was that it seemed as though you thought that Elpida was located on the mainland. Anyway it's fixed now
    This bio is approved!
    Noctifer likes this.
  7. Noctifer

    Noctifer Verified Traveler

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  8. Noctifer

    Noctifer Verified Traveler

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    I forgot to ask, does my bio need to have that green “approved” thing to send it to the citizenship section in the discord server or is the fact youve said it’s approved enough to send it there?
  9. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    I’ve added the tag now, sorry about the delay :D
    Yes, now you can send it.
    Noctifer likes this.

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