x__Banshee__x - Aoife Skotos

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Banshee, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. Banshee

    Banshee Verified Traveler

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    MC username: x__Banshee__x
    Character Name: Aoife Skotos
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    POB: Mainland
    RB: Phaedron

    I chose my name myself. It means "radiant darkness" - ironic, huh. I don't remember much of my home, just a small, failing farm run by a large family too poor to feed themselves. I was a middle child, one of 7 or so, labouring in all weathers to try to gain a sufficient crop. But one day, everything changed. A drunk mercenary band came to our farm, seeking merriment and refuge for the night. The next morning, in thanks for our generosity, they offered my parents a trade - they would buy their children, or at least a few of them. It took no time for them to come to a deal, a reasonable price for me, my sister and two of my younger brothers. That day was the last i ever saw of my family.
    We were to be taken to Patraeia, where we would probably be sold off as slaves or as servants to rich families, the latter of which didn't sound so bad. However, on the way my sister took ill, and over time she became worse, until eventually her limp body was left in a ditch on the side of the road. Me and my brothers were auctioned to the wealthy, my brothers being sent to the barracks to be trained as warriors, to fight until their deaths. I was bought by a rich politician, to be a maid in his estate. His carriage was attacked by a group of bandits, and he was dragged out onto the road kicking and screaming, pleading for his life. They took his coinpurse, his jewelry, and me.
    Since then, i've been a pickpocket, a cutthroat, the lowest scum known to Patraeia, dodging the law and praising Phaedron, god of Shadows.
    I had heard of Elpida, and it sounded like rubbish to me, a new start, somewhere where all your problems fade away into the mist.... A dream, something that would never come true for the likes of me. But when the bandit clan i was part of decided to try and attack the capital, and nearly got me killed in the process, i decided it might be worth a shot. I had some savings, enough to buy me passage, and i had my bow, my beautiful bow, ebony wood carved with silver inlay, delicately balanced with deadly accuracy - a rare beauty that i acquired less than honestly, and that i valued more than my own life. With Whisper, i felt like i could conquer the world, and combined with Sting and Scratch, my ebony daggers, i knew that one day i would.
    I have but one rule - I travel alone.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Promising start to your bio, but its missing quite a few of the requirements we have. Your character will need an age, date of birth, gender, religious belief and place of birth.

    Let us know when you've updated it!
  3. Banshee

    Banshee Verified Traveler

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    I've updated it with the information you suggested, thanks! =)
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Sorry to be picky, but we require a full date of birth for your character. The current year in Elpida is 2405S, so subtract your characters age from that and you get your year of birth. The day and month work just like a normal calendar.

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