Approved Raureif Viatorem

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Dodst, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. Dodst

    Dodst Verified Traveler

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    Username: Dodst
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Dódst#1016
    Full Name: Raureif Viatorem
    Nickname(s): Raurf, Torem, Reifer (aw maaaaan)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Date of birth: November 23rd, 2384S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Politician, and Architect.
    Interests and hobbies: While the acts of Alchemy intrigue Raureif, Architecture is his true calling, designing buildings has always been of high interest for Mr. Viatorem, besides politics
    Religious Belief: Legaros
    Signature Item (s):
    A quill, left to him by his mentor.

    Raureif Viatorem was born to a small family of four on the border of the Mainland. The country was in the middle of a civil war, caused by a recent power vacuum and the forming of multiple terrorist cells. After his father was killed in a raid while attempting to retrieve provisions from a neighboring village, Raureifs mother took him and his younger brother and fled the country by sea. As the voyage went on, Raureifs brother died of scurvy and burial at sea was their only option.

    During the voyage, they happened upon a merchant vessel headed to one of the port cities of the Mainland. after arriving Raureif's mother sought work as a servant to one of the noble families within the city. The actions of this noble family, the El'Tolivin's, would later pave the way for Raureifs interest in politics, and with the funds gathered by his mother and some help from the head of the El'Tolivin family due to his interest in seeing what would come of the foreign boy, Raureif would be granted a higher level education, and later go on to procure a profession in architecture. After a few years of successful work, Raureif was able to once again procure funds for a higher education, and with that alongside the recommendation of the El'Tolivin, entered into political studies.

    As the Great Migration to Elpida started to take place, Raureif saw an opportunity to take commissions for his architectural work, alongside the potential to start his career on politics. With asperations in hand and his goal in sight, Raureif set off to Elpida with the blessings of his mother and approval from from the head of the El'Tolvin family.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome to Minecraft Frontiers!

    Very nice start to your bio. In order to get it approved, we do require a bit more detail im afraid, so maybe add a bit more about your character's backstory and their decision to move to Elpida. Also the current year in Elpida is 2405S, so if your character is 21 years old, they would be born in 2384S. Your character must also be on the Mainland. Where in the mainland that is, is entirely up to you.

    Best of luck!
  3. Dodst

    Dodst Verified Traveler

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    Revisions have been made
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the server!
  5. Dodst

    Dodst Verified Traveler

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    over the next few days, If I think of improvements and revisions, can I alter it?
  6. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Preferably not, because it might cause issues with the lore and our own database, but if you tag me, I will look over it.
  7. Dodst

    Dodst Verified Traveler

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    sure thing

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