Approved Jandor the Bard

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Jandor the Bard, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. Jandor the Bard

    Jandor the Bard Verified Traveler

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    Minecraft username: tehnoob101 (May change this to suit character once server is live)
    Character name: Jandor Watson
    Birthplace/Home: Small Tavern on a road
    Age: 22
    Date of Birth: June 6, 2383S
    Religion: Aestheria
    Social class by birth: Middle
    Profession: Bard
    Special Item: The old rusty flute once given to me by D'Jun.

    I started helping in the tavern as soon as I could walk. My family has owned and run the place for generations - it was expected of me to help the business. The tavern is small but it's a good safe place for travelers to eat some bread and down some mead while resting for the night. My Father has always been in charge of the cooking and brewing while my Mother and sister serve our guests. Growing up in a tavern isn't a safe place for a child and I wasn't very old when I started having to break up fights and kicking guests that had got too rowdy out. When I was young I would struggle with this and would often end up severely bruised, but as I got older, bigger and stronger I became able to hold my own.

    One night a traveling Bard by the name of D'Jun came in for the evening. With him he carried the most beautiful flute I'd ever seen. That night no one slept until the early morrow - we couldn't get enough of his songs and poems. Before he left he offered to pay for his stay with the an old flute of his - he wouldn't need it anymore now that he has his new fancy one. Although my parents rejected the idea, I begged them to let me have it until they finally did. It was old, and well used - it was nothing special to the eye. But it was mine. I practiced his poems until I had them memorized and began to softly sing to myself as I worked, and practiced by flute any time I had the chance. It wasn't long until the patrons took notice of it, and I began to sing on the stage for our guests. I never charged for it (truth be told I was happy to be singing rather than doing the dishes) but often people would leave me small tips, half of which would go to my family and the other half I would save for the day I would need it. I wasn't sure what I was saving for, but I thought I'd know when the time came.

    When I was 17 the first ship sailed for Insulera. Since then I've been eagerly listening to travelers talking of the wonderful land and hoping one day I would be able to see it myself. The one thing that had always bothered me about my music was that it wasn't mine. All I could do was sing the stories of other adventurers, other Bards. I had finally found a purpose for all my savings. It took me another 5 years, but eventually I had saved up enough to go and start my own adventure, so that when I return I would be able to sing about the things I have seen - the things I have done.

    I packed my bag and my most precious old flute and my parents gave me some rations for the journey. They weren't happy to lose the help around the shop, but they understood my call to adventure. Tightening the straps on my backpack, I set off for the port, a few days walk away. Looking out on the horizon, I was ready. Ready to make my own songs. Ready for my own stories. Ready for adventure.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    Just so you know, if you don't want to change your name, it isn't required. Your MC username isn't visible once you join the server as your character name is used instead.

    Another staff member or player ambassador will be reviewing your biography later today or tomorrow.

    Look forward to see you around!
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A beautiful bio you have here. Like tcvs said, your MC username won't be visible on the server, rather your character name will be used. Therefore you don't really need to change it. Consider your bio approved, but before i approve it, please add a date of birth for your character.

    Let me know when you have!
  4. Jandor the Bard

    Jandor the Bard Verified Traveler

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    Thank you very much! I just updated it, looking forward to the launch!
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community and hope to see you around :D

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