Approved Character Bio - Aiergos Emmelstarch

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Timefighter101, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. Timefighter101

    Timefighter101 Verified Traveler

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    Minecraft Username: Timefighter101
    Discord Username: Timefighter101#8679

    Given Name:
    Aiergos II
    Preferred Name: Aiergos
    Family Name: Emmelstarch
    Middle Name: Apollo

    Year of Birth: April 4th 2382S
    Place of Birth: Mainland, a forest, the rest of the location is unknown.

    Eyes: clear and blue.
    Skin Colour: Slightly tanned. Caucasian of appearance.
    Hair: Thick brown hair that it flows back - cropped at his shoulders.
    Facial Hair: Dark stubble that he keeps short despite the constant itching it causes.
    Height: 186cm tall however his hair gives him the appearance that he looks taller.
    Weight: 82kg and athletically built. More fast-twitch muscle fibres than slow. Stronger in short bursts and extremely fast, for a human (running 100m in 10.01 seconds) However, has the tendencies to fatigue much quicker.
    Facial Features: when he smiles his left cheek dimples, on his chin, there is a small L-shaped scar - caused by a schoolmate stabbing him with a knife and a faint recollection of freckles on his nose and under his eyes.
    Dress Style: Enjoys dressing in clothes of good condition and is usually seen in his leather tunic.

    Went to the largest school in Patraeia.
    Intelligence: On the smarter side of things, though, he is more versed in logic rather than science or mathematics. In fact, the main reason how he passed school with such high results was his way with words.
    Mental Traumas: His younger sister, age 2, died of the plague and his other "adopted" sister who was 11 at the time was brutally murdered in front of him as a demonstration to his parents why not to mess with a rivalling family.
    Phobias: Though he doesn't like to admit it, Aiergos has Pathophobia, the fear of disease
    Sexuality: Straight.

    Neutral good.
    Personality: Charismatic and jokey as well as flirty with a flair for the romantics.
    Motivation: To make people happy in life, enjoy living and to bring people the life he thought he was once meant to have but events caused otherwise.
    Likes: Kind-hearted, good-natured people.
    Dislikes: Evil and untrustworthy people. Oranges.

    Aiergos is not particularly religious, he believes that he is the true cause of his fate and life in general, however, he was brought up under the god, Legaros.
    Interests & Hobbies: Enjoys fishing as it brings fond memories of his birth father, socialising (being around friends and meeting new people) and politics as these two both require his skill.
    Current Job: Lawyer, and is wanting to move up in the law industry.
    Signature Item: A golden sigil in the shape of an eagle passed on by his adopted father - a sign of trust and acceptance. It's really a useless item, though, holds great significance to Aiergos.

    Life So Far...
    He resided in a quiet cabin - surrounded by tall trees and thick shrubbery He lived here with his father, mother and sister until he was four years of age as he was forced out by his parents who were traumatised by the death of his younger sister after plague struck her. They couldn't live to see this happen to Aiergos, so they put him up for adoption and was taken by a mysterious stranger who turned out to be an architect named Bjor - travelling to a major port-city located in Patraeia. Luck had it that Bjor was rich and decided to stop travelling and set up shop in Patraeia, purchasing land and building his own stead and bringing his wife, brother, and daughter from a neighbouring city. Architecture wasn't the only thing paying the bills and causing such an influx of gold, as Bjor was selling illegal substances, what? Aiergos was unsure of. Though what he did know was that it was unliked by other crime syndicates in Patraeia and his adopted sister was made as an example of when messing with these other crime rings, this was while Aiergos was seven and had already started school. After the death, Aiergos' new parents stopped their illegal "trafficking" but were still well off (one of the richest families in the mainland).

    After a rough first few years of his life, it was all beginning to take a turn for the best. He would go fishing with Bjor and they would catch fish greater in size than he (keeping in mind he was around 8-10). Aiergos took up fighting, taking part in training every night for fours years until he began to focus more on his studies. He believed that he could stop death if he learnt to fight. Almost everyone liked him, and those who didn't were most likely jealous. Aiergos didn't like to flaunt his wealth he came to possess but it was inevitable that other students would find out.

    On his seventeenth birthday, Aiergos' adopted mother fell sick and was taken away to the finest healer in the mainland. She never returned. When Bjor heard the news he fell to his knees and screamed in agony, in terrible pain - a wail that echoed throughout the rooms of the now empty house. He attempted suicide one night by jumping off the second-story balcony -Aiergos stopped him before he jumped. Aiergos strayed away from his studies for his final years and kept on smiling while the darkness of death filled his soul. In the absence of death, Bjor turned to alcohol for assistance. There wasn't an hour where Aiergos didn't see Bjor drowning in alcohol, fighting was useless, Bjor had chosen the path to give up.

    Just before Aiergos turned 21 a small group of thieves tried to burgle the house. Aiergos stumbled into them and was forced to attack, he killed them, all of them, using but a kitchen knife and his bare hands. Bjor was out cold and Aiergos had to bury the bodies and clean inside before Bjor awoke. He never told anyone and this flooded his conscious, he just killed 3 armed people without being harmed in any way. He never knew he was capable of this.

    It was in the next year, Bjor suddenly gave up drinking, he said that he was "sick and tired of living in a world half-asleep". Aiergos thought that it was quite a fair statement and when he looked into his eyes he saw a man full of regret and who has aged poorly for his time spent on this Earth. For the next year, they did nearly everything together, starting fishing again, and went on a small holiday to a small village to get away from everything. This came to an abrupt halt when travelling home both he and Bjor took up arms against a passing group of bandits. They were almost rid of the lot of them until Bjor was pierced through the stomach by an arrow. Time almost felt slowed for Aiergos as he witnessed this. Finishing the rest of the bandits, he left the bowman til last and beheaded him in a hideous blind rage. Before the bowman's head even touched the ground, Aiergos was already by Bjor's side before he passes. Aiergos was feeling a range of emotions, however, the main one was loneliness. The last of everything he loved had died, and yes, there were friends and everyone seemed to love him - but Aiergos couldn't seem to make the same connection with them. He carried Bjor with him back to their homestead and buried him - in a different section to the thieves.

    He still continued his life as he usually would but felt empty. After a life of death and loss, Aiergos needed a change of something. He realised what that "something" was when he heard of "Elpida". it was a needed change of scenery where he could leave and make a new start. He felt nervous to leave and go somewhere so strange, running from his past wasn't like him, though, staying put wasn't working out for him either. So, he purchased his ticket, sold his homestead to buy more previsions and donated nearly all of the remainder of the money away to the surrounding schools. He went from the lower class to the upper class to now, a nobody, what will be in store for him in Elpida?
    Alir99, eragon43 and Bolete like this.
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This bio is amazing! Reads very well, very detailed and you have obviously read up on the lore.
    In short: This bio is accepted!
  3. Timefighter101

    Timefighter101 Verified Traveler

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    Awesome! Thanks man, can't wait! :D

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