Approved Character Bio - Nemesis

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Mini, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. Mini

    Mini Verified Traveler

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    Username: minydragon
    Full Name: Nemesis (no known last name)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Date of birth: December 31st, 2385S
    Place of birth: Abandoned on the outskirts of a small farming town at birth
    Job: Assassin/mercenary for hire. As a cover job, she owns a local bar and occupies one of the rooms above, whilst renting out the rest to travellers for extra cash.
    Interests and hobbies: She enjoys reading as a pastime, and spends a decent portion of her available time learning new dagger tricks and refining her skills. In addition due to owning a bar, Nemesis has earned a high tolerance for alcohol and is second to none in drinking games.
    Skills: Is skilled in various martial arts and weapons, and is often hired for her stealth as she can acquire information or take out targets without arousing suspicion about her or her employers.
    She is very good at reading people and often uses this skill when managing her bar. She allows illegal activity but makes it known that no fighting is allowed, with business deals to also be kept at a minimum to avoid attracting authorities.
    Religious Belief: Phaedron
    Signature Item (s): Carries a sigil dagger from "The Sisters", it is plain and nothing to be noticed, but it does sport the barely discernable crest of a dragon's wing.
    Body Type: Shorter than the average female at 155cm tall, but she is lean and fit, with enough muscle to knock a person out cold with a punch.
    Family: None - is not interested in finding her birth parents.
    Personality: She doesn't care for politics or religion, despite being a follower of Phaedron. She is extremely competitive and loves a good game.
    Primary Weapons: Spear, twin daggers, and the bow

    Character Bio:

    Childhood: As she was abandoned at birth, local farmers gave her to the House of Phaedron, a cult that lived on the outskirts of town in the mountains, known simply as "The Sisters", that took in orphans or runaway children. Growing up she was recognised for her natural athletism, and her more hidden behaviours of thievery, tricks and spying on other children, thus she was given the name Nemesis - "the inescapable agent of someone's downfall". She was taught by the monks to become a sister of their cult, to become a true follower of Phaedron, to kill those that the god Phaedron demanded must pay blood for their misdeeds and treachery.

    Her training regime was near treacherous in order to remove any form of weakness, with several children dying throughout the course of Nemesis's youth. She was trained to survive unforgivable conditions in the mountains, having to spend months at a time alone in the wilderness with nothing but a blunt knife. Aside from this, Nemesis was trained in the art of torture, both how to apply it and how to resist it. She grew up bitter as a result of her training, earning many scars, and learning that emotion and attachment are weaknesses she could not afford - having witnessed her only friend killed due to an arrow through the head for failing to master the longbow.

    Reasons for moving to Elpida: Upon discovering "The Sisters" were slaughtering small villages and sacrificing children - eating their raw hearts and intestines - Nemesis slaughtered the entire cult by poisoning them with the very hearts they were eating. She then proceeded to stake their corpses upon the village fences, as they once did to children who failed their training. Upon leaving the village she burned the place to rubble, as there were no longer any inhabitants left - eating the heart of her old mentor Falice - earning her the name and reputation of "Blood Hound", this being the first well-known crime of her career as an assassin.

    With the news of her betrayal to the House of Phaedron, other cults of Phaedron began posting bounties for Nemesis's head, making her homeland no longer a safe place to reside as assassination attempts were frequent and the bodies were piling up. She retreated to Elpida, as it was the furthest known continent from her homeland.

    Travels: As the journey west from her homeland crossed paths with various other continents, Nemesis acquired various skills; such as horseback riding from nomadic tribes, with her learning how to stand and shoot arrows from upon a moving horse. She also earned money from working upon the ships she sailed on as a crew hand, helping her to raise enough money to buy a decent bar upon arriving in Elpida. As a result of this, Nemesis has become very familiar with local sailors and merchants, and can often buy wares at a cheaper price. However, because owning a bar does not come at a cheap price, Nemesis continues as a bounty hunter/assassin, working for whoever pays her the largest sum of money.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Interesting bio you have here. It's a bit short though, otherwise I don't see any other issues. If you'd add a bit more regarding her life story and background, I will approve it.

    Let me know when you have :D
  3. Mini

    Mini Verified Traveler

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    I have updated the biography, let me know if I need to add more. Thanks
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community :D

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