Approved Thea's diary (character bio)

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Thea, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Thea

    Thea Verified Traveler

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    Name: Thea Anastas
    Signature item: favorite tea cup
    God she follows: Marventa, goddess of the ocean. Agathe says she can guide Thea and make sure her travels are successful, She's the only god Thea tolerates.
    Gender: female
    Age: 16
    Date of birth: 4th april 2389S (I think, i can't do math...)
    Hobbies: writing, reading and drawing she also likes making tea from time to time

    Time line

    Thea's mom died when she was 10
    She spent 2 years with Agathe before getting her first diary
    She left the Mainland at 16 years old

    Entry 1 (12 years old)

    Hi, my name is Thea. I was named after the daughter of Phaedron. My mom always loved him, maybe a bit too much. When my dad died she went crazy. She thought if she died she would meet him and stay by his side. She spent everyday trying to find a way to die and be with him. She went too far. I came back home one day and i couldn't find her anywhere. It was Alkaios our neighboor who told me, she had finally accomplished her dream. Agathe a nice lady who owns a tea shop decided to take care of me. I've been living with her ever since. Agathe lives alone, she says men bring bad luck. She thaught me how to make tea, sometimes I help her at the tea shop. I can't go to school but when her brother comes by he teaches me how to read and write, he gives me books and paper so i can practice even when he's gone. He's the only man Agathe can tolerate aside from Alkaios who comes to check up on me now and then. I think Alkaios might be in love with Agathe but I've never mentioned it. I like my life. Sometimes I'm glad my mom died. She was crazy. She never cared what happened to me. Now I have three people that care for me. Maybe I'm selfish but I don't care. It was her fault.

    Entry 2(12 years old)

    Today i worked with Agathe at the tea shop. A visitor came in talking about a city named Elpida, he says it contains palaces made of gold, endless supplies of knowledge and noble feasts. When i grow up, I want to go there. I'll start over, I'll forget all about my mom and her obssesion with Phaedron, I'll take Agathe with me and we'll build a new tea shop. A bigger, better tea shop.

    Last entry before leaving for Elpida(16 years old)

    Since I was 12 I've been dreaming of going to Elpida. I saved up enough money from working at the tea shop to afford the trip to Elpida. Agathe and Alkaios have the tea shop under control. I'll miss them but I'm sure I'll be fine. Agathe said she'll expose my favorite tea cup on a shelve at the tea shop in my memory. I made the decision long ago to go to Elpida, it's always been my dream. Leave the mainland, go somewhere far away where I can forget everything and become a completely new person. No more tea or gods just me against the world. Maybe I'll be a soldier or a blacksmith a criminal even as long as I'm something else then a girl without a familly.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    Really good bio I must say. The only thing that needs to be added before I can approve it is that your character needs to have a full name, so if you wouldn’t mind adding a surname.

  3. Thea

    Thea Verified Traveler

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  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you!

    Once again welcome!

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