Beat the Last of Us a week ago. I'm really bummed out now that it's finished, I walked around my house for a day feeling really empty inside. It's such an amazing game, probably my favorite of all time. But right now, I'm mostly playing League of Legends and casual Minecraft with friends, thinking about getting back into Destiny again
lol i am playing Minecraft Mega Walls so addictive and Black ops 2 zombies. I am so hyped for Beta and Black ops tree edition
Mostly spend my days on youtube, watching videos and researchin' about Fallout 4 and For Honor. But for now, I'm restarting the GTA story along with playing Online with my friends, and mostly spend my time playing Black Ops 2 with my friends or just surfing around for some good Minecraft servers to play on. And @Zappit, does it have Flicky?
If there were three games I've missed over the years, it has to be Tetris, Flicky and Streets of rage But aye xD I'll hold onto that invitation!
I really enjoyed Dragon Age: Inquisition. Was really sad when I finished the game and can't wait for the next one. The story really had me going. I am halfway through Witcher 3 as well. It's good fun, but can't really get into it as much. Possibly got too attached to my Dragon Age character - Witcher doesn't have the same level of personalisation. Installed Skyrim this week, was hoping to relive the excitement of being a dragon slayer.
I slightly hated Witcher 3 I can't lie, the game-play was phenomenal, but the problem is, when you're playing through the same drab swampy land and background every single second, it kinda gets boring and repetitive. Oh, and Novograd sucked hard But Gwent was always fun
I had decided against Witcher 3 because of just what Pepsi had said - the combat and interactions seemed very boring after a while. On the plus side though, the game is self produced and DLCs are said to be huge and amazing. Can I recommend the Last of Us to you?
The Last of Us... Such an amazing game I'd honestly 100% recommend it too, it probably had one of the best stories in gaming history, even if the world and plot was cliche, they managed to pull it off 100%.