Prototype Character Slots

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Dean Ayalon, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Yo, I saw how about everything has a different playstyle. Being awesome, I had this empty feeling of not being able to fully experience this game's features.
    So like [SOME SERVER (ALSO RPG) I PROBABLY CAN'T MENSION BY NAME - Will PM if anyone asks for it], I think it'd be wise making more than one character per player, like save-games.
    Unless of course you've made a way to fulfill all the game's concept with any playstyle you choose.
  2. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I mean, if you look under character Bio's I already have a backup, just in case my main one dies or gets critically injured. So i'd think you can already do that but it would not be "Official." :)
  3. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Meant like ingame, while I would play as an assassin or whatever, ingame I might also want to create a.. Farmer idk, but for that I'll need to both have my assassin and my farmer, meaning two character slots for the same player.
  4. Nico

    Nico Known Citizen

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    I see what you mean, and I guess it could come in handy but should be limited. Like, I believe if your first character is a miner you can use him (or her :p) to mine stone and then use your second character who is a crafter to craft them into stone bricks. Ofcourse for the bigger works you would still have to contact someone with more experience, but this would rule out any smaller player shops and stuff I think.
    I think it would be nice if you could only switch characters like once a day, but then again, you would have to start all over with your new character. I think this would create "main" and "secondary" characters, so if you are in a roleplay with a secondary character then won't be able to play much because it's owner is using his main account more. The same would go the other way around, but less.
  5. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    @Nico I actually didn't think about interacting both characters, just more like playing the game on two different characters, like I bought two different mc accounts and played separately, but that may be a nice idea too
  6. Nico

    Nico Known Citizen

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    If you use alternate accounts without a countdown you would that scenario I discribed here:
    Ofcourse even with alternate accounts it would still be possible to put a countdown on switching characters
  7. MisterErwin

    MisterErwin Administrator Administrator Developer

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    (Personal opinion following) I feel like multiple characters would destroy the RP feeling.
    It destroys your feeling as you have to manage multiple characters (thus splitting your time).
    Now interacting with one of your characters is way harder as he is not online that much, ....

    But the system allows you to "design" your character as you wish.

    Want to become a powerful politician, craftsman, adventurer, baker, blacksmith, a combination? Your choice.

    Your character can also change his profession, etc.

    (And from the POV of a developer: Supporting multiple characters would require major changes to almost every plugin, as we store the data per-player)
    Alir99 likes this.
  8. GiantLion11

    GiantLion11 Citizen

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    I'm going to have to side with Erwin on this. Having multiple characters makes it seem more like a game and less of a truly immersive experience. I just don't think it possible to have to remember your relationships, skill sets, background history, personal feelings, etc, etc, etc for multiple characters, and still roleplay with the same quality. Also, there's a very dangerous chance that people could just end up roleplaying with themselves, making player-to-player interactions less necessary for achieving your goals.
  9. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I can see where @Dean Ayalon is coming from, but @MisterErwin does seem to have a point. I never thought of having to store all the data from multiple characters, as well as having to remember the intereactions betweem other characters as a player.. :)
  10. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I think we could go either way, but that for now we will have just one character. However, I think I know the server you are talking about, there are like four characters you can make (8 if you donate), and it is a different save per character. I do think that this is something we could look into more in the future (you would need to have a different bio for him/her and a new name). So, theoretically, you could have a good and a bad person. It is an interesting idea, I think we could look into this more once we finish our current planned things..

    But, like said about, more than one character might lose the RP feeling.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Dean Ayalon likes this.
  11. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    I can see the appeal. Every MMO has players who love multiple characters. I know people who pay 3 or 4 monthly subscriptions in online games, just so they can have 20 different characters.

    It is less necessary for us, as there aren't any classes or fixed choices. The fact that you are a well known crafter doesn't mean you can't be a warrior as well. The limit is your own time and knowledge - it is unlikely one person will stay on top of both combat, politics and crafting. That is a limit multiple characters wouldn't fix anyway.

    One big pitfall of multiple characters is with our reputation system. If you go on a killing spree and completely ruin your reputation, you shouldn't be able to start a new character to get a pass. Players are expected to face the consequences of their actions. Multiple characters don't really blend well with that idea.

    That said, there is one situation where it makes a lot of sense. If you are a dedicated member of our community, playing for several months, and your character simply doesn't feel interesting enough anymore. I can see that happening, where players would like to start over, simply to spice things up again. We may support that through some permanent death decisions. Your first character may pass away, for you to bring in a new "relative", who perhaps inherits some of the reputation and gets some perks. Akin to doing prestige levels in shooters, or resetting iPhone games to start over with a bonus.

    Nothing planned on the near horizon though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
    Dean Ayalon, MisterErwin and Nico like this.

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