Approved Karvin Destu Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Unstaqble, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. Unstaqble

    Unstaqble Verified Traveler

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    Full Name: Karvin Millsi Destu
    Nickname(s): Karv
    Gender: Male
    Age: 10
    Date of birth: April 14, 2375S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Current residence: Small shack made of rotting wooden planks that his father and older brother had made before leaving
    Job: Thief
    Interests and hobbies: Stealing and playing on the roofs, as he is particularly quick and swift with a whole lot of stamina to get escape.
    Religious Belief: Phaedron
    Signature Item (s): Older Brother's Dagger and Father's boots


    My name is Karvin Destu. I had been part of a nice, but poor family, seven years ago, at the age of three. My Mother had died a few weeks after my fourth birthday, due to an unknown disease. Since we were poor, we didn't have nearly enough money to take her to get medical help. We were hopeless. My Mother told me to try my hardest and persevere at the darkest times. That is what I kept doing after my older brother and Father went off to Elpida. I never heard from them since that day. However, my Father had given me his leather boots, which I wear all day, because of all the bugs, spiders, and poisonous snakes on the ground. It helps me remember them, and also motivates me every day to get up and steal things in order to get enough money to go to Elpida. My older brother had left behind his dagger, and so I kept it as a token of memory of my older brother, too. I use it once in a while to kill the snakes. I used it one time to slice a mans throat after he shouted "Thief!" when I was looting his house. I grew up in the streets, coming home for a few hours only to receive bread and water for supper. I slept for a only a couple hours every day, due to all the fear in my mind about the killers, snakes, and other dangers there were in our part of the city. My home was located in the far corner of the city, where all the assassins and murderers lived. Every little corner of that place was filthy and dirty. Nothing but rats and snakes roamed in the holes and bushes.

    Our shack was very small and cramped, three people could barely fit in there. There was no clean water, and the bread we had was very dirty. This all made me furious, and that was what lead to my thievery, at the age of 7. Stealing got me clean loaves of bread, gallons of semi-clean water, and clothes that weren't ripped. I have become quite good at stealing, as I manage to escape almost every single time. I am very quick on my feet, and because of my small height, I can hide into crowds or hide in small areas. Now I spend most of my time jumping on the roofs, stealing from peoples rooms at night. I have been caught a few times doing that, but I am fortunate to still have all of my belongings. I have spent almost a year in total in prison. Prison is very rough. That is one of my greatest fears. I barely survived prison. Almost all of the prisoners there are grown men that are very muscular and abusive. I had gotten beat by the guards almost 20 times, and I had blisters and bruises all over my body! Now I don't plan on going into prison anytime soon


    I have decided to come to Elpida to try and find my older brother and father. It is very difficult living without their help and protection. Although I have learned to use my brother's dagger efficiently, I still can't help but think all the techniques and useful tricks he can teach me if I ever find him. Maybe I can try and make a new friend that can be with me most of the time, or maybe even join a group of thieves. I have a lot of opportunities to become successful there, and I am longing to go. Now that I have the money, all I need to do is wait for the ship to come. The last ship was sent 2 months ago. I hope that the next one comes within the coming few weeks. I prayed every day to Phaedron that I could have some success with my house raids and stall stealing. Now that I have enough money, I am full of excitement, and I also thank Phaedron.
  2. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Wow, very long. I love seeing another Phaedron follower. I also follow him. I think we will enjoy each other in-game.
  3. Unstaqble

    Unstaqble Verified Traveler

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    Thanks Saphiria!
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

    Likes Received:
    Your character has a very dark personality :)
    The bios good enough for server access.
    @tcvs should give you access soon.
    Have fun!
  5. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Congratulations! I cant wait to meet you in-game.
  6. Unstaqble

    Unstaqble Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Alir and Saphiria! I can't wait until I can get onto the server! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2016
  7. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Welcome to the community!

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