Getting Started

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Starting up the game is not difficult at all. However, we strongly recommend you follow all of the additional steps, as it will make your experience a lot more fun in the long term!

Setting Up

This section will cover everything from registering, to the point when you connect to our server. Follow these steps and you should have the perfect Minecraft Frontiers experience. If you ever get lost, feel free to post on our forums. We are more than happy to help you with the process!

Server Texturepack (Conquest)

Minecraft Frontiers uses a customized version of the Conquest texture pack, of which you will be prompted to download when joining the server. While this is a minified version of the texture pack, we still highly recommend getting the full version of the texture pack and installing Optifine.

Companion App (Portal)

Our server uses custom music integrated through a web client and featuring location specific music based on where you are in game, located at Portal is home to both the music player and crafting information.

Music is not delivered through the texture pack anymore - instead, you open a website as you join the server and the sound is delivered directly through the website. This allows for multiple sounds to be able to play at once. In addition, the size of the texture pack is greatly reduced.


The server IP address is and the version of Minecraft should be 1.14.4.

Simply add the server in your multiplayer section, with the IP address mentioned above.

Upon connecting, you will get a chat message, saying "[MF] Click me for sound". As expected, clicking the link brings up a website window that will deliver the custom soundtrack. Simply leave the website open in the background and enjoy your MF experience. Our server soundtrack has been fully licensed and is a great addition to the game. We highly recommend you have the music player open.

First Steps

So you connected. Now what? Minecraft Frontiers is a sandbox experience. This means the world is there for you to explore. There is no one way to play the game. A crafter may play the game very differently to an explorer. Still, the freedom may be overwhelming at first. This section is designed to guide you through the first few steps you might want to take. It is not necessary to follow the guide at all, but it may be useful.

Becoming a Citizen

See Citizenship


By default, only those around you can hear you. Global chat is disabled. For more information on chatting, visit the Chat wiki section.

Arriving in Elpida

Elpidan Docks

Every new player starts out in the docks. This area holds the exports office - a key building used for exporting goods. The goods export process is fairly simple. You harvest resources, you craft an item, you export it, you earn money. This is the most basic way of making a living in Elpida - and also a guaranteed way. The list of items you can export changes regularly, so be sure to check the office every once in a while to know what you can export at the time.

After arrival, follow the path up the hill. This will lead you to the main town. Elpida is organised into districts. Take some time to explore the town. If you bump into an NPC, say "hello" to start a dialogue with them. You may chat with them like you would with any other player. If they recognize your words, they will respond. When talking to NPCs, hover over their text to get hints on specific topics or keywords to mention to them.

Feel free to stroll through the streets, meet some players, visit a few buildings that interest you. Visiting the taverns is particularly important, as the bartenders know quite a bit about the local rumors. Just ask them!

Final Decision

Map of the island.

Choosing what role you will occupy will come with time and experience. Perhaps as you learn new recipes and craft new materials, you may try to specialize in that. Alternatively, you could also make a trip back to the docks, visit the exports office and see if they are buying what you harvest, and use that income to launch your next career or adventure.

If you are more of a warrior, try to get your hands on a sword. With a weapon, you can explore the wilderness and try your luck with hunting. Animals often drop materials that you may either use or trade with other players. Most importantly, don't forget to have fun. Elpida is a living experience, with adventure waiting on every corner. We are constantly adding additional features, meaning there will always be new stuff for you to learn, new areas to explore, and fresh things to do!

Useful tips:

  • Visit the bank to deposit your earned money. This will prevent you from accidentally losing it, or dropping it on death.
  • Talk to NPCs. Some of them might share information that may make your life easier, including crafting recipes or directions to hidden areas!
  • Make friends. You may be a one-man (or woman) army, but Elpida is a complex community. You will achieve things far easier when you team up with others.
  • Write down things as you discover them. There is a lot to learn, so make sure you note down that odd recipe you find or that peculiar structure you located. You never know when you'll need these!