Approved Character Bio: Callum Southwater

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Ensi, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Ensi

    Ensi Traveler

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    Username: BunnyHasBaby
    Discord Username: fml#4763
    Full name: Callum Southwater
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of Birth: October 20, 2386S
    Place of Birth: Mainland
    Job: Blacksmith/Merchant
    Religious Beliefs: A mix between Aestheria and Metus beliefs never really committing to one or the other.
    Signature Item: His father's golden necklace, it's pendant a simple medallion with the letters SW pressed into it.

    The Southwaters, A prestigious family of craftsmen and merchants. The family first came about in 482S with the marriage between a craftsman family the Southlands and the noble merchant family, the Rivieras. Around 700S the Southwater family developed a more prominent standing within it's town, they became known for their skills in blacksmithing and crafting of all different things.
    Callum's childhood was rough in the sense of loss but was always easier in the sense of money. On August 17th 2398S Callum was out practicing his craft at the forge through the day. That night he got home later in the day than he had planned and found the door ajar. A trail of dark maroon blood ran up the stairs. He found his father laying beside his mother a crooked dagger protruding from his back. The family heirloom, a golden necklace engraved with an SW, was left on his neck but caked in crimson. Callum's mother sat propped against the bed with a spear jutting from her rib cage, her eyes lulled back as blood flowed from her torso. The luxurious carpet now stained with blood, Callum stood above the bodies of his parents. He walked down the long corridor of his home to the western wing of the house. Another trail of blood lead into his younger sister's room. He pushed the door open to find her at death's door. She looked up into his eyes as he frantically tried to calm her, running his hands through her hair and making silent shushing noises. A large knife protruded from her shoulder, her legs were sliced open and bleed freely. Callum held her and watched in terror as her eyes glossed over and her body went limp.
    Hours past and the sun began to rise in the morning. Callum hoisted her lifeless body onto his shoulder and carried her outside, repeating the process with his father and mother. He walked down the uneven stone road to the center of town. Making a swift turn to the east he headed towards the jailer's home. He rapped his fist upon the door. The jailer's wife opened the door dressed in her night gown, visibly frustrated by the sudden disturbance. "What in the.. by the gods Callum it's early look about, there's mornin' dew still upon te' ground!" She sighed heavily and looked him up and down. A wave of shock passed over her face realizing his once lavish clothes now stained dark maroon in color. "Come inside boy, I'll prepare some breakfast for ye' and wake James from his slumber." She ushered Callum inside the home and called to her husband whose only reply was a heavy groan.
    An hour or so had passed by now and the village had begun to stir. Loud thudding of hammers on nails could be heard not only from the blacksmith this morn, but rather the duller lifeless thudding from the carpenter as three separate caskets were being made. "Ok lad tell me once again." James passed back and forth in front of the table. Callum and him had been going over what had happened since James had came back from moving the deceased to the undertaker.
    "Give it a rest will ye' James, the boy has nay had a wink a' sleep cause of ye'!" His wife said smacking the back of his head.
    "Aye Shannon." He replied with a hefty sigh, "Off to bed with ye', ye' can sleep here it'll be a'... more suitable than ye'r current homestead situation."
    "Thank you kindly sir." Callum said distantly. Shannon took him by the arm and led him down to the end of the hall and lay him into bed.
    "Now Callum, If ye'r in need of any tin' just ye' holler and I'll come to ye'." She cooed quietly as she left the room.
    Once left alone with his thoughts Callum began to finally process what had transpired the night before. From the scene of his mother and father, to the weak and trembling final breath of Penelope Southwater. After what he believed to be an eternity sleep closed its mighty grasp upon young Callum and led him to a place far from reality.

    Seagulls gawked as a man walked past. His light footfalls and black leather boots made their way down towards the docks. Sailors and deckhands called out as he walked past, the sun's mighty beams reflecting off of his white hair that had grown out a small ways. But underneath the thick locks of hair and the tightly worn black clothes laid eyes, grey and dull piercing with the rage and sorrow of revenge of ones he had lost. "Oi! down there lad, you mind grabbin' tet' box?", a sailor called from the deck of a ship. As the man in black looked up towards him the sailor stepped down onto the gangway, then in a graceful manner took a single leap and landed upon the dock. The heavy sound of his feet hitting the deck dulled out by the various sounds of the harbor. "Ye'." The sailor paused as wind kicked up around him making his baggy white shirt billow. "Ye' look like someone who needs a fresh start aye?"
    "Maybe so." The man said, his voice rough and older than he appears.
    "Well come on then, climb aboard. But if ye' could grab that there box it'd be greatly appreciated" As the sailor spoke, the man picked the box up off the ground and walked up the gangway onto the ship, his footfalls still light as ever. "So what be ye' name laddy?"
    "Callum." As he spoke a deckhand raised the gangplank and the ship began to sail, off towards Elpida. A deckhand offers to cut Callum's hair down to roughly shoulder length and shows him how to tie it out of the way. Thus beginning Callum Southwater's journey to Elpida.

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A really gory bio, but written nicer.

    Consider yourself approved!

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