About Us

Discussion in 'Community News and Announcements' started by Saphiria, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Don't play, be alive.
    So you are here looking for something interesting and new? You are in the right place! Read on and get to know our idea - an idea that will not only completely change the way people play Minecraft, but will bring back what many videogames are missing.


    Foreword from the owner:

    I'm Tom, 23 years old, studying Psychological Research (you know, reading people's mind and stuff). I love a good story, enjoy games and meeting people from all walks of life. The number one thing that makes games fun for me is immersion - if it can make me believe I am there for just a minute, I'm sold (@Tomas).

    Quite a few people were interested in my idea and now we have a team of about 14 people working on and off, trying to deliver this beast of a project! We have Matt, a champion at everything from organizing staff to managing plugins. Our awesome builders, who have been placing blocks into some pretty neat formations (screenshots below!). We have a couple of lore writers thinking up impressive stories that are both original and make sense. It's all blending together great - and there is always space for new talent. So that's our passionate team, here to create a bold new frontier.


    The Project:

    Think of an RPG server with classes, quests, levels and a storyline that guides your character from a nobody to the savior of the world. Now throw that idea out the window! When we sat down to design this experience, it was instantly obvious that majority of games out there are the same old thing, just slightly different settings. Our goal is to make a player experience that is like nothing you've played before. We call it a living universe. What is a living universe?
    • Plays on its own - it lives without the need for a single player. Farmers plant crops to make a living. Bakers buy the wheat and sell their bread to others in the marketplace. Politicians make big decisions for citizens and collect taxes. Warriors explore the wilderness and defend trade caravans. It is constantly interacting with itself, resulting in a completely dynamic experience.
    • Smart NPCs - so the above sounds like the smartest NPC system there could be, right? Well there is more. NPCs chat with each other, share their experiences and knowledge. Did a thief steal from a caravan on the other side of town? Well the other trader won't know about it - unless someone told him! The goal is for each NPC to have a meaningful life, making decisions on a daily basis - possibly being "smarter" than most players!
    • Expanding towns - if a city prospers and the villagers are happy enough to make love, politicians will start thinking about expanding the town. If you don't log in for a month of two, chances are you will come back to a very different place - full of new buildings not created by the admins, but planned and built by the NPCs!
    • Dynamic economy - the town economy goes beyond supply and demand. If warriors bring back rare weapons, the old iron daggers will drop in value - but that's not it by far. A player set up a new bakery that makes tastier and cheaper breads than the old bakery in town? Locals will quickly realise and start enjoying the new yummy breads. Shame on the old greedy baker who is now out of a job!

    The Players:

    So we have a world that lives on its own. Where does the player come in? That is the beauty of it all. You log in and have a meaningful decision to make! Who will you be? There are literally hundreds of possibilities and our team is here to let you be who you want to be. Through systems promoting role-play and interaction, we let you blend into the already living world.
    You not only get to explore this rich universe, but since everything is dynamic, you also get to change it! Things you do and the way you spend your time really makes an impact. No more RPGs where you log in with level 1, stop playing a month later and no single soul cares. As soon as you log in, the world has already changed!
    We keep our fellow role-players at heart, letting you do things like:
    • Write your own lore - and if you ever get in trouble, don't be surprised the elected senator can dig the local library to find out records on your character.
    • Own valuable property - no endless plots. If you want to own a building at the heart of the town, you have to work for it. But if you are lucky enough to own that tavern in the town square, you bet all those NPCs will flock to your events!
    • Be known - both players and NPCs will get to know you over time. If you feel like it, you can even dabble in politics to really stir things up.


    Community interaction:

    Our team is here to make each player feel at home. This can be as simple as the ability to a chat with our staff, or as unexpected as getting a surprise care package through post (provided players leave us their address). We are fully dedicated to both running regular events that bring people together, but also supporting players to run their own. In the end, we are not making this for the happy NPCs, but for the players! We are not in it for the money, but because we are confident in our ability to deliver something groundbreaking!


    If you skipped any of this thread, you are missing out!

    This truly is a revolutionary project not only as a Minecraft server, but as a community platform in general. If you are interested in being part of this, drop us a reply and we will get in touch!



    The Minecraft Frontiers Team, Saphiria
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
  2. Ramses_II

    Ramses_II Verified Traveler

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    Can you be both a Builder and a Beta Tester?
  3. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Unfortunately, no. This is because as a builder you will know all of the secrets in the game... This would ruin the entire experience for yourself and others.

    EDIT: Please see this for more information.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    It's a really good opportunity to join! You will definitely enjoy every second of it and will not have any regrets. Join as soon as possible so you have the highest chance of being accepted.
    Good luck all!
  5. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Hi Ramses,

    I wanted to let you know that we took your feedback and now offer a position that is exactly what you were looking for.

    This is available to any member of the public who desires to be a Minecraft Frontiers builder while also a player on the server.

    As a public builder you will:
    • Have access to Trial World.
    • Contribute by building plot structures in Trial World. These are not seen as tasks for builders to prove themselves, but as potential pieces of content which we can use on the server.
    • Can be a full, unrestricted player on the server.
    • Ability to, if desired, move up to high tiered building positions if offered to you. This may inhibit your ability to play on the server.
    I hope this new opportunity interests you and others! Please do not hesitate to contact me for further details.

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019

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