

Our world features a closed economy, meaning every transaction you make has an impact. The coins you spend travel down the economic chain. Buying from an NPC increases the money in their pockets. Imagine you buy a loaf of bread from a baker. The NPC may then have enough coins to buy a drink at the tavern. The bartender may take his profits and lose them on a bet. The bandit who won the bet will choose to fund an illicit herb market, which secretly happens to be owned by a well known politician. All caused by the loaf of bread you bought.

We are closely working with economists to ensure our simulation makes sense. Playing on our server, you will encounter life-like economical concepts, such as supply/demand influencing prices, complementary goods, trade agreements, detailed taxation, investment opportunities and much more.

Key Economical Features

  • Supply & Demand

    Both NPC shops and global markets respond to supply and demand. This means that the prices of products shift based on the availability of the items, as well as the need for the goods. For example, supplying an offshore market with lots of wheat will cause the price of wheat go down. Not only that, it may also cause a decrease in the price of the bread. On the other hand, triggering a large battle may lead to a higher demand for weapons, increasing their value.

  • Complementary and Substitute Products

    Our items do not change price in a vacuum. The value of goods is sensitive to what is going on in the world (and how the other items are valued). If the production of swords suddenly stops, a merchant with daggers may find a suddent influx of new customers. Similarly, if the price of flour goes down, citizens may suddenly start buying salt, as they need it to make bread. Every transaction is part of an intricate ecosystem that allows for interesting economical decisions.

  • Trade Relations

    Players are able to trade on the global market, gaining access to exotic products. This is done through the process of export and import. Towns are able to negotiate trade routes to foreign places, unlocking the potential of that specific market. Players are then able to send export goods out, making a nice profit. At the same time, the local town officials may arrange imports of rare goods. This system recreates trade patterns we see in the real world, making for a rich and authentic experience.

  • Persistent Currency

    Any purchase you make is a transfer of currency. Unlike in many games, our currency does not disappear from the system when you buy something. This means NPC traders, much like players, keep coins in their inventory. Towns have to budget and allocate their income wisely. As an effect, the economical environment is heavily influenced by what players do. Buying a lot of swords from an NPC blacksmith means they suddenly have pockets full of money - they may decide to renovate their home or craft more expensive products. On the other side of the spectrum, poor decisions may lead to a nation wide recession.